function checkForm(theForm) { $tech =; $account = theForm.account.value; $vmpwd = theForm.vmpwd.value; $email =; $pager = theForm.pager.value; $context = theForm.context.value; if ($tech != "zap") { $secret = theForm.secret.value; $host =; $type = theForm.type.value; $username = theForm.username.value; if ($username == "") { theForm.username.value = $account; $username = $account; } } $mailbox = theForm.mailbox.value; $fullname =; $vm = theForm.vm.value; if ($tech == "zap") { $; } if (($tech != "zap") && ($account == "" || $secret == "" || $context == "" || $host == "" || $type == "" || $username == "")) { alert('Please fill in all required fields.'); } else if (($tech == "zap") && ( $account == "" || $context == "" || $channel=="")) { alert('Please fill in all required fields.'); } else if (($account.indexOf('0') == 0) && ($account.length > 1)) { alert('Extensions numbers with more than one digit cannot begin with 0'); } else if ($account != parseInt($account)) { alert('There is something wrong with your extension number - it must be in integer'); } else if ($vm == "enabled" && $fullname == "" && $vmpwd == "" && $email == "" && $pager == "") { alert('You have enabled Voicemail & Directory for this extension, but have not specified any options. Please specify options, or disable Voicemail & Directory.'); } else if ((!$vmpwd.match('^[0-9]+')) && ($vmpwd != "")) { alert('A voicemail passsword can only contain digits'); } else { theForm.submit(); } } function checkGeneral(theForm) { $RINGTIMER = theForm.RINGTIMER.value; $FAX_RX = theForm.FAX_RX.value; if ($RINGTIMER == "" || $FAX_RX == "") { alert('Please fill in all required fields.'); } else { theForm.submit(); } } function checkIncoming(theForm) { $INCOMING = theForm.INCOMING.value; if ($INCOMING == "") { alert('Please select where you would like to send incoming calls to.'); } else { theForm.submit(); } } function checkGRP(theForm,action) { var bad = "false"; var whichitem = 0; while (whichitem < theForm.goto_indicate0.length) { if (theForm.goto_indicate0[whichitem].checked) { theForm.goto0.value=theForm.goto_indicate0[whichitem].value; } whichitem++; } var gotoType = theForm.elements[ "goto0" ].value; if (gotoType == 'custom') { var gotoVal = theForm.elements[ "custom_args0"].value; if (gotoVal.indexOf('custom') == -1) { bad = "true"; alert('Custom Goto contexts must contain the string "custom". ie: custom-app,s,1'); } } $grplist = theForm.grplist.value; if ($grplist == "") { alert('Please enter an extension list.'); bad="true"; } $account = theForm.account.value; if (($account.indexOf('0') == 0) && ($account.length > 1)) { alert('Group numbers with more than one digit cannot begin with 0'); bad="true"; } $grppre = theForm.grppre.value; if (!$grppre.match('^[a-zA-Z0-9:_\-]*$')) { alert('Invalid prefix. Valid characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 : _ -'); bad = "true"; } $grptime = theForm.grptime.value; if (!$grptime.match('^[1-9][0-9]*$')) { alert('Invalid time specified'); bad = "true"; } if (bad == "false") { theForm.action.value = action; theForm.submit(); } } function checkQ(theForm) { $queuename =; var bad = "false"; var whichitem = 0; while (whichitem < theForm.goto_indicate0.length) { if (theForm.goto_indicate0[whichitem].checked) { theForm.goto0.value=theForm.goto_indicate0[whichitem].value; } whichitem++; } var gotoType = theForm.elements[ "goto0" ].value; if (gotoType == 'custom') { var gotoVal = theForm.elements[ "custom_args0"].value; if (gotoVal.indexOf('custom') == -1) { bad = "true"; alert('Custom Goto contexts must contain the string "custom". ie: custom-app,s,1'); } } $account = theForm.account.value; if ($account == "") { alert('Queue Number must not be blank'); bad="true"; } else if (($account.indexOf('0') == 0) && ($account.length > 1)) { alert('Queue numbers with more than one digit cannot begin with 0'); bad="true"; } if ($queuename == "") { alert('Queue name must not be blank'); bad="true"; } else if (!$queuename.match('^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+$')) { alert('Queue name cannot start with a number, and can only contain letters and numbers'); bad="true"; } if (bad == "false") { theForm.submit(); } } function checkDID(theForm) { var bad = "false"; var whichitem = 0; while (whichitem < theForm.goto_indicate0.length) { if (theForm.goto_indicate0[whichitem].checked) { theForm.goto0.value=theForm.goto_indicate0[whichitem].value; } whichitem++; } var gotoType = theForm.elements[ "goto0" ].value; if (gotoType == 'custom') { var gotoVal = theForm.elements[ "custom_args0"].value; if (gotoVal.indexOf('custom') == -1) { bad = "true"; alert('Custom Goto contexts must contain the string "custom". ie: custom-app,s,1'); } } if (bad == "false") { theForm.submit(); } } function checkTrunk(theForm, action) { $tech =; if ($tech != "enum") { $channelid = theForm.channelid.value; $usercontext = theForm.usercontext.value; if ($channelid == "") { alert('Missing required field: trunk name'); } else if ($channelid == $usercontext) { alert('Trunk Name and User Context cannot be set to the same value'); } else { theForm.action.value = action; theForm.submit(); } } else { theForm.action.value = action; theForm.submit(); } } function checkRoute(theForm, action) { $routename = theForm.routename.value; $dialpattern = theForm.dialpattern.value; $trunkpriority = document.getElementById('trunkpri0').value; $routeRegex_update = /^\d{3}-[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/; $routeRegex_new = /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/; // routename checks // we don't really care about the name on edit! if (action == "addroute") { if ($routename == "") { alert('Route name must not be blank'); return false; } if ( !$routename.match($routeRegex_new) ) { alert('Route name is invalid, please try again'); return false; } } // dialpattern checks if (!$dialpattern.match('[A-Z0-9a-z]+')) { alert('Dial pattern cannot be blank'); } else if ($trunkpriority == '') { //TODO this doesn't account for other items besides the first being filled in' alert('At least one trunk must be picked'); } else { theForm.action.value = action; theForm.submit(); } } function repositionTrunk(repositiondirection,repositionkey,key,direction){ if(direction == "up"){ document.getElementById('repotrunkdirection').value=direction; document.getElementById('repotrunkkey').value=key; }else if(direction == "down" ){ document.getElementById('repotrunkdirection').value=direction; document.getElementById('repotrunkkey').value=key; } document.getElementById('routeEdit').submit(); } function deleteTrunk(key) { document.getElementById('trunkpri'+key).value = ''; document.getElementById('routeEdit').submit(); } function repositionRoute(key,direction){ if(direction == "up"){ document.getElementById('reporoutedirection').value=direction; document.getElementById('reporoutekey').value=key; }else if(direction == "down" ){ document.getElementById('reporoutedirection').value=direction; document.getElementById('reporoutekey').value=key; } document.getElementById('action').value='prioritizeroute'; document.getElementById('routeEdit').submit(); } function openWindow(url,width,height) { popupWin =, '', 'width='+width + ',height='+height) } function checkIVR(theForm,ivr_num_options) { var bad = "false"; for (var formNum = 0; formNum < ivr_num_options; formNum++) { var whichitem = 0; while (whichitem < theForm['goto_indicate'+formNum].length) { if (theForm['goto_indicate'+formNum][whichitem].checked) { theForm['goto'+formNum].value=theForm['goto_indicate'+formNum][whichitem].value; } whichitem++; } var gotoType = theForm.elements[ "goto"+formNum ].value; if (gotoType == 'custom') { var gotoVal = theForm.elements[ "custom_args"+formNum ].value; if (gotoVal.indexOf('custom') == -1) { bad = "true"; item = formNum + 1; alert('There is a problem with option number '+item+'.\n\nCustom Goto contexts must contain the string "custom". ie: custom-app,s,1'); } } } if (bad == "false") { theForm.submit(); } } function checkVoicemail(theForm) { $vm = theForm.elements["vm"].value; if ($vm == 'disabled') { document.getElementById('voicemail').style.display='none'; theForm.vmpwd.value = ''; = ''; theForm.pager.value = ''; } else { document.getElementById('voicemail').style.display='block'; } } function hideExtenFields(theForm) { if( == 'iax2') { document.getElementById('dtmfmode').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('secret').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('channel').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('dial').style.display = 'none'; } else if ( == 'sip') { document.getElementById('dtmfmode').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('secret').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('channel').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('dial').style.display = 'none'; } else if ( == 'zap') { document.getElementById('dtmfmode').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('secret').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('channel').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('dial').style.display = 'none'; } else if ( == 'custom') { document.getElementById('dtmfmode').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('secret').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('channel').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('dial').style.display = 'block'; } } function checkAmpUser(theForm, action) { $username = theForm.username.value; $deptname = theForm.deptname.value; if ($username == "") { alert('Username must not be blank'); } else if (!$username.match('^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+$')) { alert('Username cannot start with a number, and can only contain letters and numbers'); } else if ($deptname == "default") { alert('For security reasons, you cannot use the department name default'); } else if ($deptname != "" && !$deptname.match('^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$')) { alert('Department name cannot have a space'); } else { theForm.action.value = action; theForm.submit(); } } function changeLang(lang) { document.cookie='lang='+lang; window.location.reload(); } function decision(message, url){ if(confirm(message)) location.href = url; }